

I’m Dávid Vig

Project Manager, Business Analyst & Management Advisor

About me

I have more than 7 years of experience in IT project management. I possess analytical and complex thinking skills, allowing me to approach challenges with precision. I am an effective communicator and open to learning and trying new things.

hello [at] davidvig [dot ]com
+36 20 288 7242
Open to work
Dávid Vig

My Services

I can assist with managing software projects, conducting business analysis and preparing IT projects, coordinating IT product development projects and PMOs, and providing agile coaching.

project management
Project Management
business analysis
Business Analysis
pmo operations
PMO Operations
agile coaching
Agile Coaching

My Skills

I possess analytical and complex thinking skils, allowing me to approach challenges with precision. I am an effective communicator and open to learning and trying new things.

Adobe Acrobat85%
Atlassian Confluence90%
Atlassian Jira100%
Microsoft Office95%
Google Drive & Docs95%
Agile methodologies100%
Lean methodologies70%


Project Management Advisor

Matrix Materials Plc.  (2024, current)
Product Management

I help the company's management team with IT project management by providing analysis and strategic thinking. My experience in this field allows me to identify areas for improvement and offer insights to help the company achieve its goals.

Senior Management Advisor 

AmSmart Technologies Ltd.   (2024, 3 monts)
Project Management

As an external consultant, I was involved in an IT systems development project for small and medium-sized enterprises, where I performed complex tasks in addition to project consulting, such as business analysis and process improvement.

Branch General Manager

FUTURE MATERIALS GmbH  (2023-2024, 14 months)
Project Management

I was the Branch General Manager of IT at Swiss FUTURE MATERIALS GmbH, overseeing product development and operations in the AEC industry, focusing on software integration and custom solutions. My role included business analysis and project management.

IT Business Analyst   

AENSys Informatics Ltd.  (2023, current)
Product Management

I am currently employed as a business analyst for an agricultural IT project. My responsibilities include managing system issues and providing assistance for the development of new functionalities. My role is that of a contractor, providing specialized services to the project as needed.

Project Manager

Wysio Ltd (2023, current)
Project Management

As a contractor for Wysio, I manage projects and perform business analysis. I oversee IT software projects in various fields, including digital media products, government IT, and military and defence. I also lead micro-agile teams that apply Scrum principles.

IT Product Development Manager

Deparment of Sofware Engineering, University of Szeged (2023, 3 months)
Product Management

The task at hand involved the organization and alignment of the various IT product development tasks that were being carried out by the Department of Software Engineering as part of the Health Security National Laboratory project. The objective was to ensure seamless coordination and collaboration among the team members working on the project.

Managing Director

AmSmart Technologies Ltd. (2021-2023, 2 years)
Managing Director

As the head of the company, my primary responsibility was to steer it towards the right direction while keeping all stakeholders satisfied. This involved overseeing a wide range of day-to-day operations, such as procurement activities, financial management, budgeting, public relations, strategic planning, business development, and human resources. It was crucial to ensure that all these aspects were managed efficiently and effectively to maintain the company's success and growth.

IT Project Manager

Deparment of Sofware Engineering, University of Szeged (2018-2022, 4 years)
Project Manager

I was involved in supporting a range of research activities related to telemedicine, smart city and industry 4.0. Additionally, I managed IT software projects in these areas using the Scrum methodology. My focus was on ensuring that all projects were executed efficiently, effectively and within the designated timelines. I worked closely with stakeholders to identify their requirements and provided them with the necessary support they needed to achieve their goals.

Contact Me

Let’s talk how I can help you!

If you like my work and want to avail my services then drop me a message using the contact form.

Or get in touch using my email or my contact number.

See you!

hello (at) davidvig (dot) com
+36 20 288 7242